COVID-19 Updates

Follow the guidance of your healthcare provider as it pertains to being in public places.

Self-Screen before you come to church. Please do not attend if you have a fever or other Covid-19 symptoms (OR) if you have been around someone who has tested positive for Covid-19.

Please do not feel obligated to come to church. Please do not feel guilty for not being able to attend. Do what is best for your health. We will continue to have our worship services published online.

The Governor has mandated face masks in public places. Once you reach your seat and are a minimum of 6 feet away from others, you may remove your mask. A few masks are available at each entrance, but please bring your own if possible.

Offerings can be given at each entrance of the Sanctuary through the offering boxes. Online giving and mailing in your offering is still available and encouraged.

Hand sanitizer is available at each entrance.

Restrooms will be available.

We are offering Kid’s Worship at 10:30 am in the Fellowship Hall. Also, some adult Sunday School Classes are meeting at various times and locations due to social distancing guidelines. See Greeters for details.

We will have a 9:00 am Worship Service and a 10:30 am Worship Service.